New MINI Traveller / Clubman Pics

Auto Express shows off new pictures of the new MINI Traveller/Clubman in their latest issue.

MINI Traveller / Clubman
Photo Credit: Poblete (Auto Express)

The boot actually looks pretty roomy. Notice the separate exhaust pipes. I personally think larger tips like the Blue Flame exhaust are in order, but I like it nonetheless. I am still not a fan of the “Fisher Price” interior on the MKII , but I am guessing once I see one in person I may change my mind. Until then I will keep an open mind. Check out the full article at Auto Express.

A Site Dedicated to Fun Motoring!

Hi I’m Pedro and welcome to A collection of fun motoring content from all over the web with a slight emphasis on a certain line of British automobiles known as the MINI (or Mini for those classics). Why start another MINI-realted website you ask?

Well, for quite some time I have been enjoying MINI-related video clips, pictures, etc. either sent to me in e-mails or googling them. I then got tired of not being able to find that one clip that I wanted to share with somebody. So I figured why not put up a site as sort of a collection of my personal favorite fun and cool MINI stuff that I have found online or others have shared with me over the years and make it easy to find in one place. Throw in some new finds as well and, just like that, a website is born. Who knows, I may even post on my own MINI and MINI events that I attend.

This is my first attempt at a blog so please bear with me as I get up to speed. I want to take a moment and thank Gabe from for inspiring me to create a MINI site of my own. For years his site has supplied me with my daily MINI fix and I wish him well on his new venture and want to give a warm welcome to the new content master at MotoringFile – DB from who, along with Todd, has also been a great inspiration. Their weekly MINI podcast makes my daily hour-long commute go by much faster. And yes – I did listen to the ENTIRE MTTS special editions to make up for not being able to go :).

I hope you check back often as I hope to bring you some new, and even old, stuff to look at frequently. Feel free to post comments – I would love to hear your feedback! If you have some fun MINI or Mini stuff to share, please submit it to me at the following e-mail address. Please note – for SPAM-reasons you will need to re-construct the e-mail address manually:

[ site.submissions01 @ ]

Now without further delay…. let’s have some Motoring Fun!

Motoring Admin