Category Archives: Modern MINI

MF Desktop Wallpaper Collection – 2nd Edition

Here is the second wallpaper in the Desktop Wallpaper Collection. It is a picture of my friend Greg’s 2006 MINI Cooper S named “Earl”. Earl is sporting an M7 front grille assortment along with an M7 carbon fiber front splitter. The hood scoop is a custom job that was made by hand. Wheel arches and aero kit painted to match the body color. I may just have to invite Greg to post a full review of all the goodies he has added to his ride. Well enough about all the details…. let’s see it! I call this one “My Name is Earl”.

My Name is Earl
1280 x 1024

My Name is Earl
1920 x 1200


MF Desktop Wallpaper Collection Debut

Yesterday I attended the Fox Lake British Car Show presented by the MG Car Club of Florida. The event was held in Titusville, Florida, and it was an absolute blast. As soon as I get a chance to sift through the hundreds of pictures, I will post them here, so you can see the awesome variety of British car history that was present. There was even a not-so-historical 2003 MG there! VERY cool stuff. Anyways… we managed to get a few of the MINIs (and Minis) together for a group shot by the lake. The photo shoot gave me an idea for a Desktop Wallpaper Collection. Tonight I would like to present the first in the series – “Minis at the Lake”…

MInis at the Lake
1280 x 1024

MInis at the Lake
1920 x 1200


Counterfeit MINIs

This little bit of marketing genius is just brilliant! I could not stop laughing the first time I saw it a year or so ago. Basically, it is a commercial for MINI’s but done in a way that looks like a commercial for a DVD on how to spot fake MINI Coopers. Complete with “victims” who have to hide their identity because they bought a MINI for $1200 off Ebay and thought they would be ready to “Motor”! There is even a website set up dedicated to the “Counter Counterfeit Commission”: [ Counterfeit MINIs ]

MINI wins another title at Targa Newfoundland

A stock JCW MINI Cooper S won in the Open Division of the Targa Newfoundland rally for the second year in a row. It was up against some cars with a few more modifications. In fact, the MINI was the only true “stock” car in its class. Sure says something about the little car. For a great recap, check out Videos are coming soon. As soon as I find one I will post to one. You can also check out for a bunch of Targa goodies.

Has your MINI made you a better person?

I stumbled across this post the other day and it really made me stop and think. It really does sum up what MINI ownership can do to a person. It was posted by MINIBee and I think it is great!

Before my MINI, I didn’t enjoy driving my car. It wasn’t that it was a bad car (1998 Honda CRV) it just wasn’t a fun car and it was just my transportation for a 60-mile round trip commute. I was always in a bad mood when I drove the CRV. In the MINI, however, it’s really hard to be in a bad mood. And a better mood has caused me to be a better person.

Continue reading Has your MINI made you a better person?