Category Archives: Cool MINI Ads

Hammer and Coop in Print

You have seen the webisodes for Hammer & Coop. But have you seen the print ads? In addition to the viral videos, MINI is showing up in print in various ways. First was an eight-page fashion spread in the May 2007 issues of Blender and Stuff. The March 22, 2007 issue of Rolling Stone, which just hit the newsstands, has a flip cover “special supplement” called Really Hot Metal Magazine which includes ten pages of features such as a movie poster, photos, style, an interview article, websites, music, and trip suggestions. Finally, one that was not mentioned before, is a black & white Hammer & Coop celebrity glossy photo ad in the April 2007 issue of Automobile magazine. Still to come, Hammer & Coop will be worked into the monthly workout poster in Men’s Health.


MINI Motorby Program Problems?

Apparently some MINI owners who signed up for the MINI Motorby Program in South Florida were notified that due to some problems with the system, that there would be a delay in sending out the special key fob transmitter that is required to trigger the personalized messages on the MINI USA billboards. Not sure if these delays are nationwide or not. Has anyone else from another state received any delay notices? If so, post in the comments section.

Motoring in Second Life

MINI will soon be motoring through the virtual world of Second Life.

According to the blog, the Hammer & Coop episodes will air in Second Life. Then they will feature “items from the films that are given out as 3D SL [Second Life] objects”. There will be a contest involving the objects and posting screenshots to a MINI Flickr account. Winners will receive real MINI swag.

A bit more information (along with some cool screenshots) is given by the company responsible for helping Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners take the MINI to Second Life.† Visit the website Millions of Us for more.

Hammer and Coop Trailer just posted up a link to a hysterical trailer that appears to be for some Knight Rider knock-off featuring an R56 version of KITT. Set to launch 2/17/2007, the date coincides with the MINI USA launch of the R56, screaming that this is a clever marketing campaign and not a real movie trailer. Check it out!! UPDATE: posted it up on YouTube as well (very cool!):

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